Iowa Land Company is honored to represent the Kloser Family Trust farm located in southeastern Calhoun County. The farm is located just 1 1/2 miles south of Lorhville, Iowa. This tract has many options for the cattle producer looking to expand their herd or an operation for the next generation. Grass is hard to come by throughout the region. The Cedar Creek meanders through the grass acres, providing a consistent water source during the grazing season.
In addition, the majority of the farm is made up of quality farmland with tile improvements and waterways placed to move water when needed. The FSA shows 190.51 cropland acres carrying a CSR2 average of 85 with the majority of those acres offering Clarion and Nicollet soils. This is one of the more well-rounded farms we have had the opportunity to offer in some time. If you’re in the market to expand your herd with quality grain acres the opportunity is here.
Come take a look at this unique investment opportunity in southeastern Calhoun County. Contact Land Broker Luke Skinner at 515-468-3610 Land Broker Matt Skinner at 515-443-5004 for more information or to set up a private tour.
Farm Highlights
- Grass-to-grain grazing opportunities
- Rolling majority tillable farmland
- Tile in place where needed
- Year-round water source
- Easy access to pasture acres
- Hay acres
Brief Legal Description
- 261.52 +/- acres located in Calhoun County, Iowa; Union Township, Section 23. Exact legal will come from the abstract/deed.
- Taxes – $7,152 Estimated Annually
From Lorhville, Iowa
- Travel south on Maple St 1 1/2 miles.
- Farm entrance is on the south side of the farm on 380th St.